Do You Have a Burning Desire?
A dream you can’t shake?
Going to Israel was like that, even before my faith was important to me.
Growing up in church, I’d heard the Bible stories. I wanted to ride a camel and spend time in a cave. And not just any cavern, but one in the Holy Land where all those miracles happened.
The dream
Every time I thought about going, I got excited all over again—even though everyone around me thought I was nuts.
Isn’t that how dreams can be? A little scary, but absolutely thrilling when you take the risk and make them happen?
Tension, it’s necessary for a good story.
I think God gives us dreams and desires people can’t pry away from us for a reason. Maybe they’re part of our destiny.
Back in 2003, I took this dream of moving to Jerusalem for a walk with God. Listed the pros and cons because that’s what I do. I’d just overcome a fear of commitment so I wondered, am I running again because I didn’t want to that.
In my mind, I saw God extend His hand, heard Him say, “Come adventure with Me?”
The words struck deep, an invitation I couldn’t refuse. Wouldn’t. With my decision made, I caught up with a friend and we out to breakfast to celebrate.
But isn’t it dangerous?
People said, “You must have a death wish!”
No, I don’t.
My roommate and I had been praying about the danger when her mom said, “What are you afraid of?”
“Dying!” I didn’t have to overthink that.
Then she said the one-liner that put rebar in my spirit and gave me the courage I needed. She looked me in the eye and said, “You’re invincible until God decides to take you home.”
Boom! I knew she was right.
Would I do it again?
Well, I’m packing my bags. For the same reason, I went last time . . . because I sense God’s leading.
What about you?
Do you have a burning desire? Or a niggling thought in the back of your mind, something that could turn into a burning desire?
If so, would you share it as a comment below? Especially if you’ve never said it out loud. Words give power. We can give it legs to stand on.
The birth of a dream makes me jump up and down.
Related Post: Do You Know How to Reach Your Destiny?
I have always wanted to live in FL. So after retirement we moved there. We thought God had given us a plan, we moved into an over 55 retirement trailer park. The Manager was a Spirit-filled Christian, and she immediately asked my husband and I if we wouldlike start a church right in there (The community building was open for all to use free). We are ordained, but never felt led to open a church. But this would be different, as there would be no overhead or bills for the use of the building, and we would be sharingwith the people in our community where most can not get out and go to a church. We said “yes” and were really getting excited, and not a week later, Hurricane Irma came and wiped out our trailer. We had no insurance, it was a loss. So we have to move to the other side of Florida, and live in an over-55 trailer park (as that is all we can afford), but the owner is not a Christian, and you have to pay to use the community building there. The people here are much younger than the other one and don’t seem interested. At this moment we are back up north attending my grandson’s graduation, and we we will be heading back to FL (can’t wait), but now how no idea what God wants for us there. We’ve been visiting different churches, but have not found one yet. Through it all, wehave seen salvations, healings, miracles, on our journey in FL, knowing HE uses us where ever we are, but still fell like we want rootsl Praying for HIM to show us the way………..
Interesting. I can’t wait to see what He’s going to do with all that, Cheryl. We know He has a plan.
And with all the upcoming plans, Lord, I really like Your peace that passes ALLLL understanding instead of the stress that’s been dogging me. So with Cheryl, I put all these details in Your most capable hands and say it again, I can’t wait to see what You’re gonna do with all this!
Go, God, go!!! 🙂
Many years ago God told me to start a ministry serving those experiencing homelessness. I fought Him for 3 years until I was forced to cave and be obedient. LYNN ministries was formed and has been serving the Kingdom for the last 9 years, still going strong. During that time I felt called to be part of a day resource center, giving our friends a safe and productive place to be during the daytime. Did that too and worked hard for 2 years. Sadly I had to step away from that organization. I dream about opening another center to continue providing love and encouragement, safety and resources to our people. This time though, I’d like to see it have a job training component, a way to connect with job placement, maybe (crazy) but with a night shelter component? This time LYNN Ministry will run and oversee it and have Jesus at its center! I’m overwhelmed at the thought of starting over but I feel deep unrest as I sit and wait on His timing. I also think God wants me to write about the people we’ve served, to tell their stories, to remember and tell the stories of those we’ve lost to overdose and exposure . Again totally overwhelmed at the thought of this so I’m “ostriching” on the writing. 😊
Expanding your dream! 🙂 It’s like you did it and now there’s a bigger platform for you that needs a different foundation. I feel like I’m supposed to tell you not to be afraid, it’s going to be good!
And the writing. Can I help you with that? I’ve learned a lot.
The writing is another dream I keep hearing about. Because we all have a story to tell, right? And how cool to be one who helps others do that. Just like someone suggested I do in Israel, maybe you video some of the people you serve telling their own stories?
Right now my burning desire is to express my creativity, let the talents that god gave me come to fruition in beautiful things that make the world a better place!! Quilts, bags, purses and the like with my name and colors adorning the world with Janny colors 😊😊🥰💖
As I read your words, I’m getting goosebumps–or Godbumps?-all over! Do you post them anywhere? I want to see them 🙂
So may I think I have lost count. Most are dreams of travel. I know that last time I really heard Gods direction on my life it was, “Its not your turn yet”
I get that. Timing is important. And preparation.
In church, the pastor used to say, “God ple-e-e-se don’t send me to Africa” and I’d be jumping up and down inside, saying, “what about me? I’ll go!”
Then when I felt the nudge to go, I was shocked, a little resistant. Your turn will come, baby! I believe 🙂
My dream is to write my story. In preparation, I have gathered 40 years of stories I’ve written. Every day, I’m writing it in my head as thoughts bubble up about organizing the stories – where to begin, what to include, what to leave out. But life gets in the way – all the things that have to be done come first. Now, I am dreaming of setting aside time to write so it is scheduled as a priority.
I am grateful, though, that I went to Israel last July on a tour with Billy Graham’s daughter and family. And I temporarily set aside my dream of writing my story while writing eight PowerPoints, which I present along with a professional harpist who accompanies me with Jewish music.
Do it! 🙂
Some dreams need protection, don’t they? Or all our time can get stolen.
And then there are other dreams that just cut in line, right? You are so cool, Marilyn 😉
I’m waivering. Sometimes I feel like I have no burning desire, or don’t know what that is…and sometimes I feel like I have so many that I just can’t decide which one takes priority! I want to travel….I want to go back to Texas and buy farm land…..I want to live in a condo community in Florida….. I want to sing in the Lakewood church choir!
Ha! Yes. I love dreams even if we don’t have enough lifetime to make them all come true. They’re just fun to think about on a cloudy day like today. The possibilities. 🙂
Would love to do the same 🙂 blessings!
Wouldn’t that be cool? A spiritual adventure team on the road.
I was staying with Dianna once and trail riders were camped across the street from her house. We crashed the party. Got offered a horse to ride with them the next day, but I was flying out. Wish I could press rewind and make that happen!
My dream- and honest hope- is to someday live at least a year on the road roaming the states. I envision a rv just big enough to be comfortable and staying in a place long enough to feel like I know what it is all about; summer along a new coast, fall where the leaves turn the colors of fire, winter in places that snow and everything in between. See new things, eat the local flavor, experience life in a whole new way. Someday…
Woo hoo. I want to go with you. I love that and look forward to it coming true 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Tough one. In all honesty…. I used to have a clear dream, but it has morphed over the years, as the family grew and circumstances changed. At the moment, I don’t know how to articulate my hopes for the future. I just know I’m restless and discontented for the most part.
You are not the only one I’ve heard say this lately. Maybe it’s seasons. Or timing, knowing when we need to. God, You know. I trust You to guide and direct Lisa. Thanks!
I feel that too, can’t quite put my finger on it, i just feel restless in my Spirit. Praying I don’t make stupid choices and listen to God.
Hope a new picture starts to form for you.
When someone makes a comment in my writing group–like yours, Ang–we value it and remind each other that the comment probably represents lots of others reader’s thoughts.
So yes, I pray with you for each person in this place to have peace in their spirit in the process, to make wise decisions, and to hear/listen to God as a beautiful new picture of your future forms in your mind.