
How Do You Ditch Your Angst?

Have you ever written to God? That may not be your mode of communication with God. And I get it. But it is one really good way to ditch your angst.

Maybe it works better for you to have an ongoing chat in between all of the other things in life. God is really good at working them all into the conversation, isn’t He?

And I know not everyone likes to write. But especially if you aren’t a writer, this might be a really powerful tool for you when you need it.

I am a journaler, always have been. 
And I’m grateful to have the details now as I write. 

But even more so, I love how it’s  turned me into 
a correspondent with God.

But God will give me a nudge.

So, I’ll grab my journal and start by clearly naming what it is that’s bothering me. 

I know we’ve talked about that before. And I say it again because it always amazes me how helpful it really is. When I clearly put my thoughts and feelings into a succinct paragraph, something happens.

So, I’ll add a “G:” and write out what I sense that He’s saying. 

Actually, I’ll often be tempted to put what He’s saying into my own words. And sometimes, I do it. But not too long into the process, I’ll get this icky feeling of knowing that’s what I’m doing and I back up and start over.

Ticks were on my list today. 

As I picked another one off my puppy, I found myself afraid of them. I don’t want Lyme disease and I don’t want him to get it either.

God reminded me that I was afraid of hawks last week.

On the opposite side of the country, I had different things to deal with when Malachi was a puppy. Elijah likes to roll in tall grass and I can’t tell you how many ticks I’ve already pulled off of him.

I don’t usually wrestle with fear, 
but it’s been a thing lately.

He reminded me that usually when I admit that I’m afraid, I’ll take that fear to Him right away and deal with it, so I give it to Him before I walk away. 

But I didn’t do that. I just owned it. 

That’s when He said, 

“I did not give you a spirit of fear.”
(2 Timothy 1:7) 

Because every time I’ve waited an hour or three to come and deal with something with God, I’ve wondered why. That uncomfortable place I’m in isn’t what either God or I want. 

I love knowing that He’s always right there. We don’t have to wait in line. 

And I’m super grateful that He helps us put our pain into words. It not only helps me clarify what’s going on, but then He takes it if I’ll give it to Him. 

God will always exchange our pain
for the best feeling in the world.

It’s one of His promises to us!

Sometimes, that thing’s been on the back of my mind for weeks, or even months. 

Why do we do that?

than the angst of wondering what to do and coming up with nothing over and over again.

In Jeremiah 33:3, God says, “I will tell you important secrets that you do not yet know, mysterious things, marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.” 

Just ask Me!

Bask in that for a minute.

Dear God,
We want You
to solve our problems, too!
So, we’re here.
We’re asking
and we can’t wait to see what You’re
going to do!

Related Posts: You Can Pray Away Your Fear!

What Happens When You Come Face-to-face with Your Biggest Fear?

3 of God’s Ideas for Better Communication

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